My Genealogy Journey!


I started doing genealogy many years ago.  At first it was just some mysteries that intrigued me. Then I became hooked like many others. Today I do research almost daily.   However, I often focus on someone else’s mystery.  So, I don’t make as much progress on my own family as I would like.


My passion is for people’s stories, but I am also careful not to create too much of their story myself.  Putting together pieces of the puzzle logically and filling in the blanks without too many assumptions can be a challenge.  Sometimes it is a logic puzzle that needs to be solved, sometimes it requires studying history, sometimes you have to take a fresh look at everythings, and sometimes it requires challenging what everyone else believes.


Recent Blog Highlights


Four Brothers and One War

Each person likely has some local, national, or worldwide historical event that they would say had a big influence on their life.  For many of us today, 9/11 had a great impact on our lives. Meanwhile, for my parents’ generation...
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The Wall Tumbles Down

When your name is Mary Inga Anderson and you live in Sweden, you are about as easy to find as Mary Ann Jones in America.  Lots of them exist, but which one is the right one?  It is often impossible;...
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Joe Ellis: Frontiersman

The image above is what I always think of when my Great-Grandmother Rosa Isabell (Ellis) McCracken Apt’s brother Joe Ellis is mentioned.  He was a man with a horse on the frontier, but why did he keep moving his family? ...
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