My Genealogy Journey!


I started doing genealogy many years ago.  At first it was just some mysteries that intrigued me. Then I became hooked like many others. Today I do research almost daily.   However, I often focus on someone else’s mystery.  So, I don’t make as much progress on my own family as I would like.


My passion is for people’s stories, but I am also careful not to create too much of their story myself.  Putting together pieces of the puzzle logically and filling in the blanks without too many assumptions can be a challenge.  Sometimes it is a logic puzzle that needs to be solved, sometimes it requires studying history, sometimes you have to take a fresh look at everythings, and sometimes it requires challenging what everyone else believes.


Recent Blog Highlights


Through The Generations

When people think of handing down things, often they think of people handing down clothes to younger siblings or handing down family heirlooms to the next generation.  This article, however, takes a look at some of the other things, many...
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McCracken Uncategorized

McCracken Antics

With the holiday weekend coming up, it seems like a good time to share some fun short stories of Joe and Nellie (Peelle) McCracken’s kids.   On The Roof The younger McCracken kids liked to tell stories about their older...
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Ashby Conner DNA Ellis Helm Klinefelter Matteer McCracken Peelle Pellett Thomson

Statistically Speaking

Family history is about facts and stories.  However, it is also interesting to look at it from a statistical perspective.  Statistics about a family can include number of direct ancestors, size of family tree, immigration years, longevity, causes of death,...
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