The Joke Dad always joked that Mom was related to everyone east of the Frisco Railroad. She wasn’t actually related to everyone. It just seemed that way. They probably aren’t even my most populous family, but with so many of them concentrated in one area it felt that way. Back when I started taking photos for for Find-A-Grave, I started by taking photos of relative’s graves. However, Clarksburg Cemetery (east of the Frisco) changed
June 1, 2023
Graveyards of the Revolution
Revolutionary Soldiers are buried in various cemeteries and graveyards with some near battle grounds and others near lands where they moved after America gained its independence from England. When traveling in Pennsylvania, we visited two graveyards that, although not dedicated to Revolutionary War soldiers, contained the remains of numerous men who fought for independence. They are very different graveyards. Yet, both are intriguing. Newtown Presbyterian Church Graveyard The Church The reason for our visit
May 27, 2023
Missing Johnson Children
The Johnsons & The Smiths When I found out that my great-great grandmother Martha (Johnson) Peelle’s parents were William Johnson and Rachel Smith, I figured that I would never know anything about their family lines given their common names. The only way it could have been more common was if her mother had been named Mary. Anyway, it turned out that with lots of research and some luck that I have been able to
May 19, 2023
Beards of Days Gone Bye
Beards are something that come into style and then go out of style. Some men can grow them and some can’t. Neither my dad nor any of my uncles had beards. Of course, some of them may have been influenced by my Grandpa Mc. He believed that having a beard meant that you were too lazy to shave. And, lazy wasn’t something that was allowed in his household. Despite his view, his grandfather, had
May 11, 2023
The Ball Goes Bald
Little Pawnee Creek runs through our family’s property. To the south, it crosses the road at what is affectionately called “The Crooked Bridge.” The bridge, built in 1910 isn’t crooked, but the approach from each side requires turns and it is a part of a hill as well. It isn’t easy driving a larger vehicle over it, although I have navigated it with a tractor, older style baler, and wagon all attached. To the