January 4, 2023
Who Would You Like to Meet?
The challenge for week 1 is to consider who you would like to meet. I considered several obvious people: Lemuel McCracken, Roger Ellis, and George Nicholson for example. I would love to know who their parents are and hopefully they knew. However, I decided to write about Tabitha, who married Passco Peele (1733). Why? The reason I chose Tabitha is that meeting her would hopefully put to bed a debate over her parentage
January 3, 2023
Family: Records, DNA, Lore, and more
I have decided to take the “52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks” challenge offered by Amy Johnson Crow. Each week she will provide a prompt that is in some way related to genealogy. What each person does with it from there is their own choice. I will be writing about genealogy of the families described on this website. And, on occasion, I may venture outside those families. My hope is that by doing this challenge, I