October 2, 2024
Using The Least Number of Eggs
Some recipes call for one egg, some for two, sometimes one instead of two will do. But, sometimes, one will not do if it calls for one or two. And, trouble can arise when one person thinks one will do instead of two. Helping Out When she was a teenager, my Aunt Ester Lucille (McCracken) Fisher helped out at the Harnett household while Nora Hartnett, my Grandma Nellie (Peelle) McCracken’s cousin, was ill. Nora
September 27, 2024
The Long Road To A Homestead
Arthur Reid Thomson was only 16 years of age when he boarded a ship for America. His grandfather, he claimed, was sending him to his uncle in New York. However, he never arrived at his uncle’s doorstep. Had he, his road to a homestead would have taken a very different path. Canada It was May 1843 when Arthur arrived in Quebec, Canada. It is hard to imagine what was going through his
September 17, 2024
The Double Helix & Genealogy
What if DNA hadn’t been discovered ? Similarly, what if the United States was like some other countries that prohibited or severely limited DNA testing ? The lack of DNA evidence would definitely change my research. There are relatives that I likely would not have found and stories that would be lost. DNA & Genetic Genealogy We take the knowledge of DNA for granted as it was discovered more than 150 years ago.
September 11, 2024
One Gravestone, Three Ancestor Lines
It is one thing to be related to almost everybody in the cemetery. It is another thing to be related to three of your mom’s four grandparents’ family lines through one person in that cemetery. When you visit Lola’s grave at Clarksburg Cemetery, you are visiting with someone who ties my Carson, Pellett, and Ashby families together. And, yes, you are going to need a picture of the family tree for this one. Thus,
September 2, 2024
Family Secrets
I find that many of the stories that I write are about family secrets or at a minimum – things that were taboo or just weren’t talked about in the family even if the intent wasn’t to keep them a secret. I find them very intriguing because as Paul Harvey would say they tell us “the rest of the story.” Setting the Stage Each family seems to have their own slant on what is