Roger Ellis Mystery




Legend (for analysis)


Blue= Match with someone in the Bible

Red = Likely sons of Roger

Purple = Stephen Ellis family

Gray = Not likely related

Black = No determination on relationship


Locations & Movement

When land opened up for settlement in Southern Indiana, many families moved the short distance northward. Counties of primary interest are: Ripley (where Roger lived), Jefferson, Dearborn, Jennings, and Switzerland.


What is of significant interest is of the men that most closely match those in the Bible plus Stephen, who is speculated to be related: Roger is born in Pennsylvania, Jeremiah in Kentucky, James in Ohio, and Stephen in Virginia. Richard’s birth place is unknown. This leaves us wondering if any of them are related or if the family was just constantly on the move looking for the right place to settle. Or, could it be possible that the informant or census taker for the 1850 Census could have confused Pittsylvania with Pennsylvania?





The following analysis is based on the heads of households for 1820-1840 and the eldest male if one is present or eldest female if no adult male is present for 1850. Additional families are not added after 1850.  However, census data is used for additional data on the listed families.


Abigail Ellis


  • 1850 in Dearborn County 70 from Maine with Margaret 25
  • See also John (1) below.


Cynthia Ellis


  • 1850 in Jefferson 40 from Indiana with two children William(14)  and Charles (1)
  • Family is not found after 1850


David Ellis (1)


  • 1840 in Dearborn County and 20-29
  • 1850 in Dearborn County 40, Maine
  • Assume this is the same man although the ages don’t quite match


David Ellis (2)


  • 1840 in Dearborn County and 30-39
  • 1850 in Dearborn County 45 from Pennsylvania with Catherine, Sarah A., Matthew A., Mary E., Rebecca H, Elizabeth, Ruth
  • 1860 in Putnam County, Illinois 55 from Pennsylvania with Catherine, Mary Ellen, Elizabeth, Ruth, Emma.  Emma was born in Indiana in 1853, so they moved after this date.  This county is next to LaSalle County, Illinois, where our Lucy Ann and family was in 1870.
  • 1870 in Putnam County, Illinois  Catherina 55 (year is off) of Delaware, Mary E, Rebecca, Emma. Catherine is a carpet weaver and Rebecca is a seamstress.
  • 1880 in Putnam County, Illinois Catherine 72.  In next household on the list is Ruth Haskell (no husband, two children) with Emma Ellis listed as daughter.  I assume this is Catherine’s daughter Ruth.  Not sure why Emma is listed as a daughter. I assume she should be a sister to Ruth as Ruth is not old enough to be her mother.
  • I tried going back to 1830, but did not find anything useful.  Likely, David and Catherine were not married yet as their first child was born in 1835.
  • I found no family trees that appear to be this family.


David Ellis (3)


  • This is Roger’s son
  • 1850 Ripley County 41.  With Lucy A., Ellen E., Joseph L., James W, Stephen E, Westley W, Henry D, and Amanda
  • Where is he in 1840? He is not in his father’s household.  Other David Ellis families in the area in 1840 are not a match unless someone switched the male and female children in the household of David (2) and the David who is 45 in 1850 is actually a different person.\


David Ellis (4)


  • 1850 in Switzerland County from Ohio with Nancy A
  • Can find no additional records.


Eli Ellis


  • 1840 in Decatur County and 20-29.
  • No good matches can be made without a specific birth year or birth location.


Eliphalet Ellis (1) (2)


  • 1820 Switzerland County 26-44
  • 1830 Switzerland Co 40-49
  • 1840 Switzerland County.  There are two men age 50-59 with this name.
  • A man with that name was in the militia in NY in 1812.  Same man?
  • Family trees tie this man to Mass., which means he would not likely be a relative if they are correct.


Eliza Ellis


  • 1850 Franklin County 36 from Ohio
  • No additional information.


Elizabeth Ellis


  • 1850 Switzerland County 35 in the Poor House
  • She is there in multiple years.


Enos Ellis


  • 1830 in Switzerland County 30-39
  • 1840 in Switzerland County 40-49
  • Multiple trees have this man as from Mass. and dying in 1842.  At least one tree has him as the brother of Eliphalet. So, unless we find a tie to Mass, It seems unlikely that he is related.


Henry Ellis (1)


  • 1850 in Jefferson County 35 from Ohio (At an Inn)
  • No good matches.


Henry Ellis (2)


  •  1850 in Jefferson County 34 from Ireland


Hezekiel Ellis


  • 1840 in Dearborn County and 40-49
  • 1850 in Switzerland County 52 from Pennsylvania with Amanda (NY), Hiram, Lewis M., Mary Ann, Hamilton, Ellen, Francis M, Hezekiel
  • A family tree shows Mary Ann in Switzerland County for most of her life married to Daniel Heath.
  • I find some of the names in various places often with approximately the right ages, but not sure where this family went because those people are often associated with other families and/or are not near any other members of the family at least as far as I can determine without more in-depth research.


James Ellis (1)


  • 1830 in Switzerland County 20-29
  • 1840 in Switzerland County 30-39
  • 1850 in Switzerland County 52 from Ohio with Mary, Margaret, Jeremiah.  The age doesn’t quite fit, but is close and the ages for the kids match and it is in the same location. Also, this age makes it a match for James Miller Ellis of the Bible.
  • What happens to this family after 1850?  They seem to disappear.


James Ellis (2)


  • 1840 in Ripley County 40-49.  This is likely James Lewis Ellis as he is listed next to Roger in the census.  However, the census record lists him as 40-49 and James Lewis Ellis would be under 40 at the time.
  • 1850 in Ripley County 45. This is definitely James Lewis Ellis.


James Ellis (3)


  •  1850 in Dearborn County 43 from Ireland


John Ellis (1)


  • 1820 in Dearborn County and was over 45 (born 1775 or earlier)
  • 1830 in Dearborn County and 50-59
  • According to family trees, John was from Maine and died in Dearborn County in 1842; however, I did not readily find him in the 1840 census.  His name was David and had a son David.  Abigail listed above was his wife.  This all seems reasonable and has some documentation.  So, I am declaring this John to be part of the Maine Ellis family.


John A. Ellis (2)


  • 1850 in Jefferson County 40 from Kentucky with Sarah, John T, Rebecca J, Susannah, Robert M., James W. In this census the family is listed next to Conrad Storms.  This is an interesting fact, but might be meaningless.
  • 1860 in Decatur County, John is not with the family.  In the home are Sarah (mother), John, Susan, Robert, James, Sarah (daughter).
  • James W. that is listed here is the same age as James W. Ellis that was in Neosho County, Kansas.  However, if Find-a-grave is correct, this is not the same James as they have the James in Kansas as the son of John Nicholas Ellis  and Rebecca Mariah Scott with siblings Elvira, Mary Jane, Benjamin Dougherty, Margaret M, Laura Ann, and Jonathon Scott. I found this family with several of the children and Laura is listed as a sister to James W. in one of the census records.
  • There is a James W. Ellis of the right age that was in the Civil War joining in Illinois and with a birthplace of Ripley, IN.  He survived the war, but I haven’t been able to tie him to other James W. Ellis men.  There was one in Iowa, Illinois, and Oklahoma.
  • I did not find John T or Robert M. in any records that I could tie to this family.  However, I did find a Robert and James in the same household in Butler County, Ohio in 1870.
  • I investigated if last name could possibly be Eller, but came up empty.
  • John’s middle initial has been interpreted as K. and A.  Are either correct? It could also be an “N” or an “R”.
  • Did this family fit in with other families in the area? Where did this family go after 1860?
  • If his age is correct in 1850, then this is not the John listed in the Bible.  He would need to be 5-6 years older.
  • This John does NOT appear to be a member of the Maine Ellis families.
  • Since he is not listed as buried at Brushy Fork Cemetery, I suspect he is not related to Stephen.


John Ellis (3)


  • 1850 in Switzerland County 30 born in Indiana with Eliza, Mary Jane, Joseph H., Malinda F.
  • 1860 in Jefferson County 38 (name spelled Ellice) born in Indiana with Eliza,  Mary Joseph, Susan, Clemmence, William
  • 1870 in Jefferson County 50 born in Indiana with Eliza, Mary J., Sarah, William
  • 1880 in Jefferson County 60, born in Indiana, alone
  • Family trees say that he is the son of Joseph Ellis (1). His wife was Eliza Skeen (marriage record). Children listed in family trees are Mary Jane, Joseph Henry, Malinda Frances, Susan Ann, Jonathan Fletcher, Sarah Clementine, William Richard.


Joseph Ellis (1)


1820 in Jefferson County and was 16-25 (born1795-1804)

1830 in Jefferson County and 30-39

1840 in Switzerland County and 40-49

Family trees indicate birth in Shelby County, KY, with sons John Ellis(3), Stephen (who died as a child), and Nancy Lynn.  Some trees show him as the son of Stephen Ellis and Rebecca Lewis.

Confirmed in his will that he is a son of Stephen.  He preceded his father in death, but his father provided for his widow and children and listed his two living children by name.


Joseph Ellis (2)


  • 1840 in Dearborn County and 20-29
  • 1850 in Dearborn County 32 from Maine


Levi Ellis


  •  1850 in Decatur 40 from New Jersey


Martin Ellis


  •  1850 in Jennings County 60 from Germany


Mary Ellis


  • 1850 in Switzerland County 48 from Kentucky, alone
  • No more information.


Richard Ellis (1)


  • 1830 in Switzerland County 20-29 or 70-79.  The 70-79 year old is not listed in the transcription, but there appears to be a faint mark.  Additionally, there is a woman 50-59.


Richard Ellis (2)


  • 1840 in Jefferson County and 60-69. It is possible that this is the same family as Richard Ellis (1) as there is also a man 30-39 and a man 20-29 in the household as well as multiple females. If so, the 60-69 year old would have been marked incorrectly in one or the other census records.
  • Assuming the older man is Richard, he may have died before the 1850 census, but no cemetery record is found.


Richard B. Ellis (3)


  • 1850 in Franklin County 31 from England


Richard Ellis (4)


  • This record is mentioned above for Richard 179x
  • Richard is listed as at the Poor House because he is blind
  • 1850 in Switzerland County Poor House 60/1790 from KY. Also at Poor House, Elizabeth Ellis 35, Sarah 4 Indiana, Mary J 1 Indiana
  • 1860 in Switzerland County Poor House born 65/1795 KY. Also at Poor House, Elizabeth Ellis 35 Indiana, Emily Ellis 7 Indiana, Wester A. 3 Indiana, Ellis, Elizabeth 11 months Indiana
  • 1870 in Switzerland County Poor House born 75/1795 VA. Also at Poor House, Elizabeth Ellis 52 Indiana, Ellen Ellis 4 Indiana
  • There is no indication that the others listed at the Poor House are related to Richard. I am guessing the children are orphans.


Roland Ellis


  • 1840 in Dearborn County and 20-29
  • No obvious matches in the following two censuses.
  • According to some family trees and find-a-grave.  John(1) and his wife Abigail were the parents of a Roland Ellis that went to Illinois.  This must be the same man and he would have been living in the same county as his parents at this time.  Hence, he is part of the Maine Ellis family.


Samuel Ellis


  • 1840 Decatur County and 50-59
  • 1850 Decatur County 60 from Virginia with Jane, Mary J, Amanda M, Samuel S, James H., Benjamin F, Sarah A, John M.
  • 1860 I found a family that seems to be a reasonable match with this family in Harrison County, Missouri
  • Family trees indicate the 1860 family is the same family.  An older son was a judge in Harrison County.  James ended up in Iowa.
  • No one seems to have the names of Samuel’s parents.


Stephen Ellis (1)


  • 1820 in Jefferson County and was 26-44 (born 1776 – 1794)
  • 1830 in Jefferson County and 50-59
  • 1840 in Jefferson County and 60-69
  • 1850 in Jefferson County 74 from Virginia (recorded as Swen Ellis)
  • Stephen is buried at Brushy Fork and is said to be from Virginia.  The exact location and the names of his parents seems to be a matter of discussion.
  • He is listed in family trees with several children.  Multiple trees list Levi who went to Riley County, Kansas as a son, but this does not make sense as the records they have for this man are in Virginia and Kansas and he would have only been 10 when the family is found in Indiana.  I doubt this is a son of this Stephen.


Stephen Ellis (2)


  • 1830 in Jefferson County and 20-29
  • 1840 in Jefferson County and 30-39
  • 1850 in Jefferson County 44 from Kentucky with Polly, Stephen, Nancy, Newton John, Melinda, Samanta
  • 1860 in Jefferson County 55 from Kentucky with Mary, Nancy, Newton, Melinda, Symantha
  • A son of Stephen(1) per Stephen (1)’s will.
  • Family trees indicate he was born in Fleming, KY or Shelby, KY.


Thomas Ellis (1)


  • 1830 in Jefferson County and 20-29
  • 1840 in Jefferson County and 30-39
  • 1850 in Jefferson County 40 from Kentucky with Polly, Susan E, John W, Rebecca J, Nancy J, Joseph M, James M.
  • 1860 in Jefferson County 51 from Kentucky with Polly, Joseph M, James, William, Mary
  • 1870 in Jefferson County 60 from Kentucky with Mary, James, William
  • Died 1872
  • Wife appears to be Polly R. Strahan
  • Family trees claim that he is the son of Stephen Ellis and Rebecca Lewis. Stephen’s will confirms a son Thomas.


Thomas Ellis (2)


  • 1840 in Jefferson County and 40-49.  This is not just an error for the previously found Thomas Ellis as he is also listed in Jefferson County in the same census with the correct age.
  • No matches can be determined to be a definitive match for this family.


Westley W Ellis


  • 1850 Ripley County 27. With Rebecca, Andrew T, Mary S.


William Ellis (1)


  • 1830 in Dearborn County and was 30-39
  • Not able to match this William in future census records.


William Ellis (2)


  • 1850 in Jennings County 30 born in Indiana with Jane, James, Marion, Philip, Martha, Infant
  • 1860 in Jennings County 45 born in Kentucky with Jane, James, Francis M, Martha, Philip, Newton Kissiah, Susannah, Rebecca Jane, David P.
  • 1870 in Jennings County 56 born in Indiana with Jane, William N, Kiziah A., Mary S, Rebecca J., David L, Sarah F., Nancy E, Ann E. Also, Martha J. Reice/Rice (their daughter Martha), John P. Reice/Rice (Martha’s husband it is assumed)
  • 1880 in Jennings County 66 born in Kentucky with Jane, David L, Sarah F, Nancy E, Ann E.; father born North Carolina, mother born Virginia.  The father being from North Carolina would not be a match to Roger.
  • Some people list him as the son of Matthias (who they have no information about), but I find no evidence of a Matthias or Matthew Ellis in Indiana or Kentucky in 1810 or 1820.
  • Used the spelling Elles
  • Jun 16, 1814 – Feb 26, 1900
  • Possibly Roger’s son William.


Wyatt Ellis


  • 1820 in Dearborn County and was over 45 (born 1775 or earlier)
  • A Wyatt Ellis of approximately the same age is found in Shelby County, IN in 1830, 1840, and 1850. This man was born in Virginia.
  • One family record indicated he may be the son of a Stephen Ellis of Virginia. However, based on the record from 1850, which indicated he was 73, he would be a contemporary of Stephen Ellis of Jefferson County.  It could be possible that they were brothers or that he was the son of a different Stephen Ellis.