Jake, Minnie (Kutzner), Alice, Dorothy, and <private> Helm
Phillip (Jacob) “Jake” Helm was the ninth of Phillip and Mary’s children and is the next in our direct family line. He was among the first generation of Helm’s born in the United States.
Marriage to Lulu
Jake and Lulu (Guthrie) Helm
Jake first married Lulu Darline Guthrie. They were the parents of two children:
Edward (Ed) William
Rosa Marie/Maria [m: Raymond Callaway]
At age 26, Lulu died of tuberculosis leaving Jake with two young children. Jake raised the children with the help of his mother, who had become a widow a few years earlier.
Marriage to Minnie
Jake and Minnie (Kutzner) Helm
It wasn’t until 1927, 16 years after Lulu’s death, that Jake married again. His second wife was Minnie Kutzner, daughter of Herman and Minnie (Schmidt) Kutzner.
Although Jake around 50, his bride was 20 years his junior and thus they began a family together becoming the parents of three daughters: