Mystery of Lemuel McCracken


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McCracken Families

In Bates County, Iowa

In Lee County, Iowa

In Ohio




Autosomal DNA General

Chatauqua, KS

Rachel McCracken

Columbiana / Wayne, OH

James McCracken

Nathaniel McCracken

Sceneca / Henry OH


David McCracken

Henry Charles McCracken

Mariah McCracken



Children’s Names

Gallea Family

Illinois Ties










 Mystery of

Lemuel McCracken

Little information about Lemuel Lawrence McCracken was passed down in the family. That may be because of the early deaths of his wife Louisiana (age 49) and his children (the only living longest lived only to 66). Additional complications and reasons the family may not have known a lot about him arose from his multiple marriages. Most of the information about Lemuel has been obtained through records. Nothing is known of his parents or any potential siblings.




  • Where was Lemuel  Lawrence McCracken prior to 1854?
  • Who were Lemuel’s parents?
  • Did Lemuel have any siblings?
  • Is Lemuel related to Robert McCracken that lived in Bates County, Missouri at the same time he did?
  • Is McCracken really Lemuel’s surname?
  • Where is Ida Belle McCracken after 1910? Burial Location?
  • Where were William T. and Lemuel F. McCracken in 1880?
  • Why did Francis E. McCracken change her name to Minnie Alameda McCracken?
  • When did Sarah Ann (Dufer) McCracken die and where is she buried?
  • Why did the family say that Louisiana’s maiden name was Johnson when it was Matteer?
  • Were the Johnson/Johnston family that lived near the McCracken family in Crawford county somehow related?
  • How did Lemuel know the Gallea family?







1850 (US Census)

    No record found


1854 (State Census)

    Residence: Montrose, Lee, Iowa

    Others in household: None


1854, Sept. 23

    Marriage to Sarah Dufer


1856 (State Census)

    Birthplace: Ohio

    Birth/age: 25

    Residence: Jefferson, Lee, Iowa

    Others in household: Sarah

    Notes: It says he has been in Iowa for 6 years.


1859, Jan 17

    Marriage to Louisiana (Matteer) Badgley


1860 (US Census)



    Residence:Jefferson, Lee, Iowa

    Others in household: Rosannah (Louisana), Mary (Louisiana’s daughter), Delormah, Lemuel, Lewis (Louisiana’s son)


1863, July 1

    Draft Registration

    Age 31

    Birthplace: Ohio

    Residence: Lee County, Iowa


1870 (US Census)

    Birthplace: Pennsylvania

    Birth/age: 39

    Residence: Van Buren, Lee, Iowa

    Others in household: Louisana, Lemuel, William, Andrew, Belle


1875 (State Census)

    Birthplace: Pennsylvania

    Birth/age: 44

    Residence: Sherman, Crawford, KS

    Others in household: L., L.F., W.T., A.J., I.B., R.H. (Henry), F.E. (Minnie)



    Louisiana, wife of L.L., buried Bates Co, MO


1880 (US Census)

    Birthplace: Ohio

    Birth/age: 50

    Residence:Mt. Pleasant, Bates, MO

    Mother and father’s birthplace are blank

    Others in household: Andrew, Henry, Ida, Francis.


1890 (US Census)

    Census records destroyed by fire


1895 (State Census)

    Birthplace: Pennsylvania

    Birth/age: 64

    Residence: Summit, Chautauqua, KS

    Others in household: M.E. (Melissa Evaline)


1900 (US Census)

    Birthplace:  Pennsylvania

    Birth/age: April 1831, 69

    Residence: Summit, Chautauqua, KS

    It says his father was from Pennsylvania & his mother from Ohio.

    Others in household: Evaline, boarder


1910, Feb. 24

    Lemuel died


Discussion of the 1850 Census


This was the first federal census that listed all members of the household.  Lemuel should be listed even if he was living at home or boarding.  However, no record of him has been found in this census.  A record for a Samuel (name often confused with Lemuel) of the correct age was found living in Pennsylvania in 1850; however, it appears that this is not Lemuel as a family matching this one is found in 1860, including Samuel and we know Lemuel was in Iowa at that time.


It seems likely that Lemuel was in Pennsylvania, Ohio, or Iowa in 1850.  It is possible that he was missed in the census because he moved near this time.


Discussion of Birthplace


Based on this information, it seems that Lemuel was born in Pennsylvania or Ohio.  However, neither answer was consistently recorded in the census.  If the variation happened only once, it might be an error, but that isn’t the case.  If it changed overtime, then it might mean that he learned that the birthplace he assumed prior to a date was incorrect.  However, this does not appear to be the case. That leaves us with the option that Lemuel may not have known where he was  born, but assumed he was from one or the other of the states that he claimed his parents were born in.  Another possibility is that sometimes his wife answered and sometime he answered.  If this is the case, one can assume he answered in 1880 when he was a widow.  This would indicate that he was born in Ohio, but it also means that both Louisiana and Evaline  believed he was born in Pennsylvania.  Alternately, his first wife Sarah could have answered in 1856 and one of the kids or a neighbor in 1880.  If that is the case, Sarah might have known that he moved to Iowa from Ohio, but not known where he was born.  The 1880 situation may be that the child or neighbor thought he was born in Ohio because Louisiana was born there.  However, it would seem that he would have registered for the draft himself and it states Ohio.



McCracken Families

Bates, Co, Missouri


By the late 1870’s Louisiana was not well and the family headed back to other family. I don’t know if they arrived at their destination or not, but they ended up in Bates Co, Missouri (On the KS-MO border north of Crawford Co.). That is where Louisiana died (Aug 25, 1879).


In 1880, there is a Robert McCracken (born Ohio) and his family living in Bates Co, MO as well. Lemuel and Robert were about the same age; however, I don’t know if they were related or not. I found what I believe is a match for this Robert McCracken in Hopewell, Licking, OH in an earlier census, but no record of Lemuel in that area.


Lee County, Iowa


Lemuel arrived in Iowa about 1850. It is unclear if he moved directly to Lee County or if he resided for a time in another Iowa county. However, by 1854 he is living in Lee County. He does not stay consistently in one location within the county during the approximate 20 years he lived there, moving between townships.


In 1850, John McCracken lived in District 28, Lee County, Iowa. John was born in Delaware and was old enough to be Lemuel’s father. However, Lemuel never recorded his father as being from Delaware. This family also listed Elizabeth, Raney (approximately the same age as Lemuel), and Jacob. The latter two were born in Ohio. In 1860, John is living in Marion Twp. It does not seem that Lemuel belonged to this family for several reasons – conflicting birth year with Raney, lack of these names in the family, and no direct ties (e.g. never found living next door).


That family, according to another researcher with a direct relationship to John’s family could not find any record of Lemuel in their family line, although there was a Samuel. Since Samuel and Lemuel are often written similarly, it is wondered if this couldn’t actually be a the same person. On an interesting note, members of this family also moved to Kansas, but not to the area where Lemuel moved. Also, a photograph of this family shows similarities to Lemuel’s children. Yet, no proof of a connection has been found. It is possible that he is a cousin.




Since various records listed Lemuel as being born in Pennsylvania or Ohio, it seems reasonable that he may have spent some time in Ohio even if he was born in Pennsylvania. (See Record Timeline for a discussion of his birth location.) Since Lemuel isn’t found in the 1850 census in any state, a review was made of the 1840 census. Since, the 1840 census only lists the head of the household by name, each household in Ohio was reviewed for a male in the household of the approximate age of Lemuel. Lemuel should show up as 5-9 years old. Households with males this age are the primary candidates to be Lemuel’s family. Secondary candidates are those with sons 10-14 as his age could have been incorrectly marked. It is possible he was marked younger than he was, but that seemed less likely.


Of the primary candidates, we have DNA connections to people with Nathaniel McCracken’s descendants in their family tree. There may also be connections to Robert McCracken and to James McCracken of the secondary candidates. These potential relationships are not as well researched as the first one mentioned.


Table shows McCracken families in Ohio in 1840 with the name of the head of the household, location, number of people in the household, indicator if the family had a male 5-9 years of age in the household, and indicator if the family had a male in the household 10-14 years of age. Note: If a male 5-9 years of age was in the household, the 10-14 category was left blank. It was only filled in if 5-9 equaled “No” and 10-14 equaled “Yes.”







The only places that my dad can remember hearing associated with the McCracken family in addition to Lee County, Iowa and Crawford County, Kansas are Peoria and Quincy, IL. Lemuel Franklin (Lemuel’s oldest son with Louisana) , Minnie Almeda (daugther of Lemuel and Louisana), and Mary (Louisana’s daughter from her first marriage) lived in the Quincy, Illinois area.


What drew these children to the Quincy, Illinois area is unknown. However, it is known that Mary moved with her husband to this area early in their married life. It is possible that her husband had relatives in the area. Lemuel Franklin moved there some time later and it is unknown when Minnie arrived although speculation is that she may have went to live with Mary after Lemuel married Evaline.


To date, no ties have been found to Peoria, IL. There was, however, a small post office in Bates Co, MO that was named Peoria. This could have been the Peoria the family talked about, but my dad strongly believes the correct town is Peoria, IL.




Clues From Children’s Names


Sometimes the names of children provide clues as to the grandparents or aunts and uncles of the children.  Names that can be explained are in blue.


His child with Sarah:

Delarma  Lawrence: No origin has been found for the name Delarma (several spellings) in either the Dufer or McCracken records.  Lawrence is from Lemuel’s middle name.


His children with Louisiana:

Lemuel Franklin:  Lemuel is named after Lemuel.  Franklin could possibly be after Louisiana’s brother Francis.

William Thomas:  William possibly was named after Louisiana’s brother William who died in the Civil War.

Andrew Johnson:  Given the time of Andrew’s birth, he was likely named for President Andrew Johnson.

Ida Belle: Louisiana had a sister with the middle initial B.  It is possible that Belle came from that sister’s name.

Joseph (Henry):  Of note is the 1875 Kansas Census that lists Henry as R.H. or B.H.  It is clearly not J.H.  One thing that was investigated is whether it could have been R.H. with the R standing for Robert since they lived near a Robert McCracken in Bates Co, Missouri.  However, nothing was found to support it as anything other than an error.

Francis E./Minnie Alameda:  Francis was Minnie’s original name.  It changed for unknown reasons after 1880.  Louisiana had a brother Francis.


None of the boys were named after Louisiana’s father, who lived in Lee County, Iowa and who she must have went west to be near.   There are also very few ties to her sisters.  Her daughter from her first marriage does appear, however, to have been named after her mother.


This leaves us with Delarma as possibly a tie to Lemuel or his wife Sarah and the names Franklin, Thomas, Ida, Belle, Joseph, and Henry as ties to Lemuel or possibly grandparents of Louisiana.  I am excluding Minnie Alameda as that was a name change and it is not known when or how it came about.

DNA Analysis



The Y-DNA test (taken by a male in the McCracken line) did not yield any positive matches with the other McCracken males that have done that test with ftDNA.  Additionally, it was compared to two other projects related to Scotland and Ireland without a match.


It is possible that no one has taken this particular test that matches our genetic line.  It also remains a consideration that Lemuel perhaps was not a McCracken.  However, we do have DNA matches to McCrackens in Ohio. General


An analysis of DNA matches between multiple family members that have taken the DNA test  have been searched for the name McCracken in the family trees.  Those matches have been analyzed for patterns and potential matches to Lemuel. Some of these matches are clearly related to Louisiana.  Others have little data.  Others are possible matches, but no specific information has been found to indicate that the link to these DNA matches is through the McCracken family.


Additionally, the stronger matches to people with McCracken in their tree were also analyzed for those people whose DNA matches I have direct access.  Again, there is no specific information to indicate that the match is through the McCracken family.


From the analysis of these sets of data, I have created several McCracken families that might possibly be related to us.  Attention was placed on McCracken families that showed up in multiple family trees (not just multiple DNA matches).I focused on those with ties to Ohio and Pennsylvania since Lemuel’s records state he was born in one of those two states.  Note was also taken of McCrackens in Kansas and Lee County, Iowa.    There were multiple matches to McCrackens in Tennesse, Georgia, Kentucky, and North Carolina, but those were not included in the analysis to date.  Others removed from the analysis were families where they were known to not be Y-DNA matches, there were many errors in the tree, or where identifying the specific person was very complicated (e.g. too many people in the area with the same name). The top candidate families are included in the next several sections.


It is unclear if any of the McCracken families identified by the DNA analysis are actually Lemuel’s ancestors.  If not, the following possibilities exist:


  • DNA matches of related McCracken families have not yet identified their McCracken ancestors in their family tree. (Perhaps their McCracken family line is as hard to trace as ours.)
  • People related to our McCracken family line have not taken this DNA test.
  • McCracken is not Lemuel’s  actual surname
    • Lemuel or an ancestor was adopted.
    • Lemuel or an ancestor took the name of a family with whom he lived.  (We know multiple of Lemuel’s children lived with other people)
    • The name was changed to protect someone’s identity (e.g. they were running from the law)
  • Lemuel was an only child or had a history of small families, limiting the number of potential descendants.
  • Lemuel’s family died out from disease or for other reasons.


Rachel McCracken

Chautauqua County, Kansas


Multiple DNA matches have a Rachel McCracken, who lived in Chautauqua County, Kansas in their family trees. Rachel is of interest primarily because she lived in Chautauqua County where Lemuel lived in his later years.


Rachel was born in Clay County, Illinois in 1833, which is only two years after Lemuel was born. Most of the Illinois records for Rachel are found in Wayne county, where she married her husband Bradford Cooper. About 1873, they moved to Howard County, Kansas (now defunct), which included what is now Chautauqua County. Lemuel was not in Chautauqua County at this time, but Louisiana’s brother Charles Matteer was there in 1872. She lived most of the remainder of her life in Chautauqua County.


In 1850, Rachel is found in Wayne County, Illinois living with Richard, who is presumed to be her brother, Mary her presumed mother, and another brother listed as Jer or Jes plus Richard’s wife and child. There is no father in the household complicating research as in 1840 the census records only listed the names of the head of the household.


In 1850, there is one other McCracken (spelled McCrackin in records) family in the county. They are listed about a page away from Rachel’s family in the census and it is assumed that they are likely related. That family only has a woman that is presumed to be the grandmother with young adults and children. No grandfather or parents of the children are listed.


A few very distant matches to this family have been found with a few family members. It appears those connections are through families other than the McCracken family.


This family is listed in my tree on ancestry with supporting records.

McCrackens in

Seneca and Henry Counties in Ohio



McCracken families in Seneca and Henry Counties in Ohio are listed in the family trees of several DNA matches that appear to be related to Lemuel or Louisiana.  The group for Henry Charles McCracken listed below is a DNA match.  Various members of our family match that family and with enough shared DNA to say with confidence that they are clearly related to us through Lemuel and/or Louisiana.  See more details in a section dedicated to Henry.


DNA matches where the family tree includes a McCracken tie to Seneca/Henry County, Ohio include:


  • Luella Adeline McCracken m. Charles LeCrone.  Luella is the daughter of Henry’s son Jay Harvey and Sophia (Schaffer) McCracken.
  • Marian Carmen McCracken m. Wilbert Briney. Marian is the daughter of Henry’s son Albertie and Olive (Klinepeter) McCracken.
  • Mariah (alt. Maria) m. Jacob Leitner. Mariah/Maria is the daughter of David McCracken.
  • Henry County is where Nancy Ann (McCracken) Hanna lived.  See Nathaniel McCracken for details on Nancy.


1840 Census (Seneca County)


  • David McCracken: His household contained a female of the age to be a wife, two males under age 5, one male 10-14, one female 5-9, one female 10-14, one female 15-19, and himself.


1850 Census (Seneca County)


  • David age 50 with Walter Merchant family.
  • William age 25 at a hotel (printer)
  • Henry C age 22  with wife Lavina  [DNA match; See section for Henry Charles McCracken]
  • Sarah age 19 with the Yoder family
  • Mariah age 17 with the Yoder family [DNA match; See section for Mariah McCracken]
  • Syhae (?) age 14 with the Shedenhelm family (Maybe Elihu, Elisha)
  • Thomas age 11 with the Shawl family


It definitely appears that David’s wife died and the family went to live with different families.  When compared to the 1840 census, only William does not fit with the data.  Later information implies that he is not a member of the family although it still remains possible that he was but lived with someone else in 1840.


The two oldest females (daughters) found in the 1840 census are not found in the county with the name McCracken.  Possible matches for the two oldest daughters are:


  • Naomi McCracken (b. Aug 28 1822) that married Jacob Feasel in 1846.
  • Mary Elizabeth McCracken that married Elias Schaull in 1843.


A biography of Mariah’s son states that she is the daughter of David and that she had a half-sister Mary that married Jacob Leitner (Mariah’s husband) after Mariah died.  It may be that this is the same Mary as married Elias Schaull.


  • Additionally, Elizabeth (McCracken) wife of Thomas Hughes (b. 1808) was living in Seneca County.


1860 Census


    Seneca County


  • James age 35 of Ireland at a hotel (printer). Despite the discrepancy in the name, this seems to match William of 1850. Since it is a hotel, it is very possible there was confusion on the name. A William McCracken married in the county in 1864.


  • Additionally, Elizabeth (McCracken) wife of Thomas Hughes (b. 1808) was living in Seneca County.


    Henry County


  • [Household: David, Rachel, David]
  • David
  • Rachel, David’s 3rd? wife.   She was previously Rachel Leitner and it seems likely Rachel was his son-in-law Jacob Leitner’s mother.
  • David age 17 is living with David and Rachel.    It is unclear if he is a son.  If he is, where was he in 1850?


  • [Household: Elizabeth, Sarah J]
  • Elizabeth age 25
  • Sarah J age 17.  Note:  This Sarah is NOT the same as the Sarah in the 1850 census.
  • John age 23 is living with the Babcock family. It says he is from New York, but the family is all from New York, so it may be that they just repeated the location.



David McCracken


David McCracken (b. 1800) was in Seneca County, Ohio by 1840.




Mariah/Maria and Mary were reportedly half-sisters.  It is assumed that they had two different mothers, but other scenarios are possible.


In 1853, David married Rachel Leitner, who in 1850 was living with Mariah’s husband in Henry County, Ohio. It is presumed that she was Jacob’s mother (or step-mother).  She was not the mother of  Mary or Mariah/Maria.


Known children:


  • Mariah/Maria m. Jacob Leitner [DNA Match, See section for her.]
  • Mary


Other possible children:


  • Sarah (b. 1831).  She was living in the same household as Mariah/Maria in 1850.
  • David (b. ).  He was living with David and Rachel in 1860.





When David  died in 1867, Mariah’s husband handled the estate further establishing a relationship between them.  However, David’s will does not provide the name of any children.  It simply states that upon death or marriage of Rachel that his possessions minus some that were Rachel’s are to be divided among his legal heirs. (Note: I hate wills like that.  No details)

Henry Charles McCracken


Henry Charles McCracken was born in Ohio  in 1828.  He spent a majority of his adult life in and around Fostoria, Seneca, Ohio with a stint around 1860 in Eaton, Michigan.


Henry was married to Lavina Meyers and Frances “Fanny” Jordan.

Likely children of Henry and Lavina: William M, Zellema, Clara Ellen, Charles H, Thomas, and Ella.

Likely children of Henry and Fanny: Jay Harvey, Albertie, and Roy Hard.


Henry McCracken’s parents are unknown.


Based on his age, it is possible that Henry could be a older brother or cousin to Lemuel.


DNA matches that have Henry McCracken or his family in their tree include matches through:


  • Henry’s son Charles H, who Henry had with his wife Lavina
  • Henry’s son Jay Harvey, who Hnery had with his wife Fanny (multiple matches)
  • Henry’s son Albertie, who Henry had with his wife Fanny (multiple matches)
  • Henry’s son Roy H., who Henry had with his wife Fanny


There are other matches that appear to be connected to this family, but the relationships have not yet been determined.


It is important to note that there are DNA matches that tie this family to the descendants of James McCracken.  It seems likely that Henry and Lemuel both somehow descend from/are related to that family.


See also Mariah McCracken, McCrackens in Seneca and Henry Counties in Ohio, and James McCracken.


This family is listed in my tree on ancestry with supporting records.

Mariah McCracken


Mariah (alt. Maria) McCracken was born in 1832 in Ohio. She married Jacob Leitner in 1852 in Henry County, Ohio.


Mariah and Sarah McCracken, who was two years older, are found living in 1850 in Seneca County, Ohio with the Adam Yoder family. David McCracken is living in the next household in the census with Walter & Rosanna (Shaull) Merchant. Information has been found that confirms David as the father of Mariah.


Mariah married in Henry County and lived their until she died in 1866.


After her death, her husband Jacob Leitner married Mary McCracken, who a bio states was Mariah/Maria’s half-sister.


Based on her age Mariah could possibly be a sister or cousin to Lemuel.


Records for these families are in my tree on

James McCracken


James McCracken was born about 1761 in North Ireland.  He came to the U.S. prior to 1785 as he married Rachel Kelley in Lancaster County, PA that year.  James and Rachel later lived in Westmoreland Co, PA, Columbiana Co, OH, and Wayne Co, OH.


Our family has DNA matches to multiple of James’ children.  DNA matches include matches through the following children:


  • Nathaniel.  See the separate section on Nathaniel.  We have at least 10 DNA matches to his descendants through multiple children with some being very strong matches.


  • Elizabeth.  We have at least 5 DNA matches to Elizabeth’s descendants.  All our DNA matches to this branch are through her daughter Rachel Scott who married James Vance.


We also have a DNA match to at least one of James’ brother Thomas’ descendants.


Henry Charles McCracken (See section above) appears via DNA to be related to this family as well.  It is unclear how he fits inthe family, but we have DNA matches that indicate the two families are connected.


There are also a large number of other DNA matches that appear to be related to James’ descendants.  Determining those relationships is a work in progress and may help narrow down the ancestors of Lemuel.


Nathaniel McCracken


Nathaniel McCracken was born 1788 with inconsistent information on his birth location.  The 1850 census states that he was born in Ireland, but there are claims that he was born in Westmoreland County, Pensylvania.  He married Elizabeth Crane in Columbiana County, Ohio, which is on the Ohio – Pennsylvania border.  They stayed and raised their family in Columbiana County.


These DNA matches are of particular interest in that the 1840 census shows a male in the household of the age of Lemuel.  Some people claim this is an Andrew McCracken, but I have not found proof that Andrew was Nathaniel’s son.  It is also possible that this boy was not a son of Nathaniel or that the son died.  No grave, however,  has been found in Columbiana County, Ohio for a McCracken of the approximate age that predeceased Nathaniel. This boy is not listed in Nathaniel’s will.


Nathaniel lists the following children in his will: William C, James W, Eliza J Entriken, Nancy A Hanna, Susan B Huston, Rachel M. McCracken, and Tabitha M. McCracken.


DNA matches that have Nathaniel McCracken or his family in their tree include:


  • Nancy Ann McCracken (b. 1816) m. Joseph Hanna.  SAR records and Nathaniel’s will show Nancy as the daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth.  Nancy and Joseph were in nearby Mahoning County, Ohio in 1860.  Then, they moved to Henry County, Illinois, which is not far from Peoria, Illinois, where dad believes the family had relatives.  Several of Nathaniel’s other children also move to Henry County and neighboring counties.  Note:  We have matches to at least 2 descendants of Nancy Ann.


  • Eliza Rachel McCracken (b. 1868) m. William Teagarden.  She appears to be the daughter of William Crane McCracken, son of Nathaniel McCracken.  I did not find “proof” of her parents.   However, William McCracken had a younger female Eliza R and later Rachel living with him.  The Teagarden family had resided in the same area as Nathaniel.  Additionally, the marraige date is shortly after William McCracken died (Rachel was living with him in the last years of his life).  Note: We have matches to at least 2 descendants of Eliza.


  • Laura McCracken (b.1863) m. Frank Sprowl.  She is also the daughter of William Crane McCracken.  See Eliza Rachel McCracken for William’s ancestry.  Note:  We have matches to at least 6 descendants of Laura.


There are a good number of DNA matches that may be descendants of Nathaniel or of his siblings.


This family is listed in my tree on ancestry with supporting records.