Old Pine Church
Founded 1768

Read more about Old Pine Church:
- The History of Old Pine Church
- Historic Colonial Churchyard
- More about the Churchyard
- Old Philadelphia in Early Photographs (mentions William Hurrie)
- Philadelphia, A Guide to the Nation’s Birthplace (mentions William Hurrie)
- Patriots at Old Pine
Old Pine Church shown around the time of their 100th anniversary.

The Third Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, known today as Old Pine Church, was the home to many patriots, including William Hurrie. He signed the call for Reverend Duffield, who became the first minister for Old Pine. William also became the first sexton of the church. Later, he signed up when Rev. Duffield asked for volunteers to support the Revolution.
When William died, he was buried in the church’s graveyard near the back left corner of the church.

Over the years, William’s stone became buried and was lost. One day the sexton of the church unburied it and William’s burial location became the story of many newspaper articles. Later, DAR recognized William Hurrie for his support for the Revolutionary War as shown in the marker above.