

1774 – 1825





Sarah Bunting, daughter of John and Patience (Tilton) Bunting, was born in New Jersey in 1774. The first mention of Sarah found in Quaker records was in 1783. At that time she was listed with her family as a member of the  Chesterfield Monthly Meeting in Burlington County, New Jersey. In 1790, the family received a certificate from the  Chesterfield Monthly Meeting To the Pipe Creek Monthly Meeting in Maryland.



In 1792, Sarah married Peter Harrision at the Bush Creek/Pipe Creek Monthly Meeting.  By 1796, the Pipe Creek Meeting had prepared a certificate for Sarah to the Redstone Monthly Meeting in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Peter and Sarah eventually they ended up in Ohio, where she remained active in her Quaker faith. 


Over the years, Sarah gave birth to 15 children.  She died at age 51 and her death was recorded at the Short Creek Monthly Meeting in Jefferson County, Ohio.